宣道會陳李詠貞紀念幼稚園 天水圍天耀邨耀昌樓地下 Christian Alliance Chen Lee Wing Tsing Memorial Kindergarten G/F.,Yiu Cheong Hse,TI YIU ESTATE, Tin Shui Wai 24458469

School History Ying Wa Girls' School was founded in 1900 by Miss Helen Davies of the former London Missionary Society. It started off as a boarding school for girls and expanded to include a secondar

堅守基督教全人教育方針,協助學生培養基督化的品格,確保學生在靈.智.體三方面得以均衡發展,在追求人生意義,造福人群上得到充分體驗. our mission is to provide a christian holistic education to assure a balanced spiritual,intellectual,physical and social decelopment

Our school was established in 1984, the third to be affiliated with the Kowloon Tong Church of the Chinese Christian and Missionary Alliance. We are a full-time aided co-educational secondary grammar

Miss Hung 早於1999年已考獲5級樂理,當時樂理考試比現在難度更高。自2016年起,MISS HUNG已協助50多位學生應考5級樂理。多位學生於較難的舊際考試中,考取90分以上(100分滿分)distinction的成績。自從2020年改為網上考試後,更有學生考獲75/75滿分的佳績!
K教學進修 / 音樂課程 - 學琴Kim's Music and Japanese Academy

祂的恩典乃是一生之久。一宿雖然有哭泣,早晨便必歡呼。(詩30:5) For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5) The long-standing

租影樓1800平方尺可供駛用, The service is designed to offer both comfort and practicality ensuring a successful shooting experience
攝影及影音 / 攝影Ganymede Photo Studio

Gel甲日韓美甲系列好消息: 由即日起首次試做gel甲可獲85折優惠!二人同行可獲8折優惠!地址: 尖沙咀 厚福街3號 華博商業大廈 1/F 101-103室 歡迎査詢及預約 | Nail Salon提供gel nail,TST GEL Nail,尖沙咀gel甲,soak off gel, 尖沙咀美甲店, 尖沙咀gelnail
美容 / 美甲Rubys Nail

基督徒信望愛堂逸東幼稚園 東涌逸東商場3字樓6 號幼稚園校舍 Christian The Faith Hope L Ch Yat Tung Kindergarten Kindergarten No 6, 3/F Yat Tung Shopping Centre , Tung Chung 21090198幼稚園 (3-6 歲)

全職補習導師,2年中學教學經驗,17年補習經驗。專補數學科,中學及DSE數學考試,以小組教學 / 一對一教學 針對同學的問題而作出解答。 數學老師擁有大量的題目庫,不同出版社題目,也有名校數學練習和數學模擬試卷,能針對學生程度,並提供相對數學的練習。
教學進修 / 補習專補中學數學科 - 楊Sir

BW Nails Beauty 專業美甲服務,私人方便工作室,舒舒服服美甲扮靚 扮靚系列之 美甲💅 震撼價! 單色~Soft Gel $98 Hard Gel $128 *如需其他款式,歡迎來圖索取報價 立即Whatsapp 查詢:5591 0202 Pro Manicurist Manicure service~ Private comfortable studio.
l美容 / 美甲luxurylh520

單邊,特闊,免佣,可即時租用 Single side; extra wide; no commission; available immediately

SINGLE INN單人房 高雄市旅館427號 高雄市新興區林森一路267號地下一樓

單人房房型: $6,300起 Room type: Single Room En-suite, starting from HKD6,300 Foreigners and oversea Students are Welcome ! 歡迎外國商務留學生及本地租客! 月租式單人套房 (免佣)交通便利,設施齊備,租金相宜 每間房設有獨立廁所 *** 接受長短合租至少一個月 ***
物業地產 / 住宅出租The Shang Hai 347 Ltd.

銷售產品: 電子鼓及網面電子鼓 ROLAND V-Drum 電子鼓 ROLAND / ALESIS電子鼓代用配件 S@L 全網面電子鼓 木箱鼓Cajon Single & Double Pedal 數碼鋼琴 電鋼琴
音樂 / 器材買賣whatsapp53795623

全職補習導師,2年中學教學經驗,17年補習經驗。教統局認可的合資格教師(QTS),已獲取香港科技大學 (與香港教育大學合作) 數學系(數學及資訊科技教育) 榮譽理學士,
教學進修 / 補習專補中學數學科 - 楊Sir

Introduction and event planning for Single HK residents

Stretch fabric on topside and enough thickness to maximise comfort during the sleep. Bought merely 3 months ago---still brand new. Length: 190 cm Width: 90 cm Thickness: 24 cm

家具, 家品, 單人床, 雙人床, 床, 衣櫃, 書架, 書桌, 書枱, 茶几, 咖啡枱, 餐桌, 餐枱, transform furniture, multifunction furniture, creative furniture, space-saving furniture, wall bed, transforming table, furniture, single bed
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